nicola loder

an exhibition and publication of new migrant and refugee children's images

footscray community arts center
immigration museum
melbourne, australia 2002 - 2003

special involved forty-four refugees and new migrant kids from the western english language
school (wels), working with renowned australian photographer, nicola loder. the project
recognised the diversity and complexity of the personal stories of those at wels, aged
between 5 and 18 years, and who have come from 15 different language backgrounds
representing a myriad of cultural backgrounds and experiences. because of language and
cultural barriers, these stories are sometimes either not relayed or drastically simplified.
but photography is a means of uncovering some of these experiences and stories.
it’s accessible and popular. with the support of kodak, we distributed disposable cameras
to the students who were to photograph what was special to them in their new lives in australia.
using instamatics was cheap and easy and it meant that even the younger students were able
to achieve great results with little prior instruction. (download full article pdf 41kb)

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